So, did anyone get anything extra special today? Or does anyone have any special plans for the day?
My son is having a couple of his friends over later for a little play date. He's only 3, but he told me the other day that he wanted to buy candy for his girlfriend for Valentines. So it's a good thing she's coming today. But, I'm not so sure she thinks of him the same way. Oh well, I'm not going to be the one who breaks his heart. Especially not today!
Anyway, we are going to bake cupcakes together this morning so he can give them to his friends. Besides that, we don't really have anything special planned. I got everyone a couple small things (candy for hubby, Dumbo movie for bub and a stuffed animal for my daughter). I usually get forgotten, so I'm not getting my hopes up.
Please feel free to share what you are doing/giving/getting today!